~In Loving Memory of Harley Sue ~
May 26, 1995 - October 17, 2008

Harley was a Shepard-Rhottweiler mix, and we quickly learned that she was a very smart, loyal, and special dog. She went everywhere with me/us - boating (above), camping, hiking in the beautiful Colorado mountains, and anywhere else we could take her. Everyone loved Harley!
(Harley could only get one ear to stand up...)
Harley was a great addition to our "family", which also consisted of Lori's children, Randi and Vince, a Schnauzer named "Rebel", and then a later addition of "Hailey", a Great Pyranese/Border Collie Mix. We definitely had a full house!

Harley was a great addition to our "family", which also consisted of Lori's children, Randi and Vince, a Schnauzer named "Rebel", and then a later addition of "Hailey", a Great Pyranese/Border Collie Mix. We definitely had a full house!
Randi, Harley and Hailey ~ Harley's Birthday

Harley loved to run, but more than anything always wanted to be near me. She used to jump Lori's 6 foot fence and chase my car up the street when I left for work!

Harley also loved the snow! she had a great time at my parents house in Colorado Springs during the October blizzard of 1997!
Harley wasn't so thrilled to move to Florida in 2001, but still only seemed to care about being with me. She did get to swim in the ocean and Intracoastal Waterway, along with playing at many great dog parks! We always had to keep an eye out for those gators!!!
In August of 2004, I adopted a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Nylah. Harley was very tolerant of Nylah, and they loved to play and go to the dog park. As Harley grew older, Nylah played too rough with her and blew out her knee. At age 12, Harley had to have reconstructive knee surgery.
My husband, Richie, and I then decided to adopt another dog for Nylah to play with and leave Harley alone. Adara, our Red Doberman, joined the family during the Summer of 2007. It was later this year that we moved to Texas. We made it through the remainder of the hot summer, and then enjoyed a much cooler winter than in Florida. We even got a few inches of snow in the Spring of 2008.
It was towards the end of Summer this same year when Harley started to really slow down and have problems with her hind legs. The vet placed her on medication, which helped tremendously, but only for a couple of months. In October, we knew it was time for her to go to heaven, as she could no longer enjoy all of the things she loved here with us.
Harley will always hold such a special place in my heart, as I know that no other dog with ever be able to offer all of the love and loyalty that she gave so willingly. If you ever were fortunate enough to know her, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
We love you, Harley!!!
Great Post!!
That was a wonderful tribute for a gorgeous and well loved girl!!!
She will live on in your heart forever!
That picture of you with all of your girls and the snowman was adorable!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie & Staci
She was a very special part of my life too!! I will never forget when Harley ate our nachos and jalapeno's mixed with rolaids. As well as the plant fiasco that Harley, Haley and Rebel made in the living room. I loved her and will miss her!!!
That was soooooo nice! A great tribute to your best friend. Welcome to the blog world!
Painter Pack
What a way to start out a blog! Welcome. We will stop by often.
We came over from Addie's blog and hope to be your friend :D
They may be with us for a short time, but they are never farther than our hearts.
Addie sent us over.
Hello, there I am Mason Dixie, I come by here via Addie!! So nice to meet you. =)
Welcome to blogging! Came over from Addie's and look forward to future posts :)
Hi! I came over from Addie's blog and wanted to welcome you to the blogging world. What a beautiful post about your wonderful Harley.
Your pal,
Hi there, welcome to the blog world! We stopped by on Addie's recommendation. :) Harley sounds like she was a great girl! Those gators sound scary.
I am an RR like Nylah (my name's Nala) ;) and I know how rough we RR's can play. :) Love the snowman picture.
Nala & Amber
What a lovely trubute to your girl. The Mommy had her Samantha for almost 15 years when she helped her to the bridge. They will always be in our hearts but thank goodness our hearts are always open for more.
We came over from Addie & Lucie's blog. We count them and Laci as very special friends and hope to your soon too.
Love Mona & the Mommy, Sarah
Hi Nice to meet you!
Harley seemed like a great family member. THanks for sharing. We are fairly new to blogging too- just started a couple months ago! We look forward to more posts!
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